Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Cold Feet in the MVO2

OK this is the first time my feet were the point of failure on the MVO2.

Laugh it up you Minnesotan Eskimos. But I've got prissy feet that can't handle 45 degrees F.
I went bare foot and the grass was damp so it felt colder. And after 20 sets I couldn't feel my toes anymore.

I stopped for safety's sake. Then my feet felt worse. It hurt the most just walking the 24kg back into the house.

MVO2 22 sets 5 reps with 24 kg

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Slogging Through

My body has yet to regain its addiction to the VO2.

Back in November 2008 my body actually craved MVO2 protocol.
Currently it's still an exertion of will to get out there and do it.

Today for my 46th birthday I hit the "recommended daily allowance" of MVO2 snatches.

40 sets, 8 reps, 15:15 with 16 kg.