Friday, March 14, 2008

The Difference between Sand the the Living Room

Ok, there are probably many differences.
But one that is prickly in my mind doing any snatch test like activity,
is that I do not want to push the limits.

I really don't want a $1000 hole in the floor.

So Thursday I did snatches like this
24kg 13 Left, 15 Right
16kg 15 Left, 15 Right

My rhythm was 5 reps per hand at the 30 second mark (rest.. locked out)

It's a baseline.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mea Culpa

OK I knew I wasn't going to be the best blogger.

I've never been able to keep a journal going for long.
Here's a brief synopsis of February.
  • I turned 45
  • Got a "physical age assessment" at my health club:
    * I have the body of a 46 year old!
    ** My strength and flexibility were good by my MaxVOC was bad
  • I signed up for the August RKC at UCLA
These events are related. The club offers $35 off of the "Bod Pod" physical assessment on the birth month. My mixed results on my health pointed out that I had sacrificed Cardio Vascular for Strength. If I drop my body fat from 20% to 16% and raise my MaxVOC 3% my body age would be 36 years old.

Those results greatly influenced me into signed up for the RKC. Also it the RKC can't get much close (4 miles).

My goal is to be able to do 100 snatches in 10 minutes.
5 right, 5 left on the minute for 10 minutes.

March 6th I did 5R 5L OTM for 5 minutes, skipped a minute then did one more set.

The basic goal is to keep technique very high, and still get a good workout.
A compressed GTG.

When I did the RKC style testing in Dec, the bell flew out of my hand on the last rep!
I recently cleaned up my form, and if I can keep form through the test. I hope to get 25%-50% more.

It's all in the hips. I was snapping too early up, and not early enough going down. Both problems taxed my grip.