Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Snatch Verification

RKC Snatch Test with two days left: 24L, 24R at 145.7 pounds.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Staying In Tune

Just to keep form and condition up I had a 16kg day
40L, 40R

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back on Track

Thursday Morning I snatched 16kg for 40L, 40R RKC rules.

That afternoon, Dr. Cheng wanted to check my form.
I did 24kg 26L, 26R so enough for plenty of weight gain to spare.
He gave me a few tips so the actual test should be even easier.

Now my concern staying under 148 so I only have to use the 16kg for the Graduation Workout.

KBLA at the Park

There was a big party going on at the beach, so Sunday morning we re-located to Clover Park for the morning.
It was a peaceful change of pace.

Dr. Cheng got stuck out of town due to a cancel flight but Anton lead us capably.
It was a relatively light work out til "some Bozo" suggested we try the Graduation Workout.

We only did 50 yards (out of 100). Boy was that tough!

-Rich aka "some Bozo"

How Not to Lose Weight

Step 1) Jul 11, Get the Stomach Flu -- Spend hours on the porcelain throne
Step 2) Jul 18, Get Food Poisoning -- Spend hours on the porcelain throne.

Result 5 pounds in 8 days! -- But it comes back.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cutting it Close

With my official RKC snatch test exactly TWO weeks away, I am grateful that my illness did not come three weeks later. It would have been hard to pass the snatch test if I could barely walk.

I hit my numbers again in an ugly manner. I had to disqualify on rep on the left as "Too Much Pressing" and I had to resort to a "allowed by the rule" knee bend on my last rep on the right.

I am still very light for my category. If it were only a matter of the snatch test, I would drop the 2 pounds to reduce my number by over 20%. At 143 it is one of the biggest drops by weight class.
(38 snatches at 143 Lbs, 48 snatches at 144 Lbs)

But, and a big one at that, is I need strength for the rest of the course.

Edited to change RKC from "one week away" to "two weeks away"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

8 Reps Short or 1.5 Pounds Over

I guess I'm still recovering from my illness, or I could have over eaten before workout.

20L, 20R.

But I weighed in at 144.5 Lbs! At 143 Lbs my # is only 38.
Regardless, I'd like to get back to 52 RKC snatches.

According to some research it looks like I could benefit from a little protein in addition to the caffeine I have been ingesting before my pre-breakfast workout. It had been working well while I was at Family Camp, but I couldn't find my beef jerky this morning. So, I made due with chocolate covered almonds. And as the almonds have less protein than th jerky, I had to eat a little more in mass and volume than I am used to. Afterwards, I found the jerky and had a little of that as well.
By the time I got to my snatches my stomach was working harder than it should have.

So I'l retest Friday, and see how bad my numbers really are.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Family Camp

We were at Forest Home Family camp July 6th-12th, in San Bernidino CA.

I dragged along 2 x 16kg kettlebells and 1 24kg KB so I wouldn't slip too much in training.

I didn't want to tax my system too much in the 5200 ft. high altitude. 5200 ft. doesn't seem high to most people but it greatly effected my arithmetic. Monday morning, I calculated on the fly that I did 3x8L and 3x8+4R for 100 total. It wasn't until I went to write it down that I realized that I only did 68! That after noon I did 24kg 16L, 16R.

Wednesday, I was feeling good. So I tested the 24kg "at altitude". My RKC target was reached with 24L, 24R, with much heavy breathing afterwards.

Friday, I don't recall the exact motivation, but I decided to do Military Press Ladders, with equal pullups on each rung. I have lost some strength focusing on my snatch numbers. Back in December 2007 I could do 5 ladders of 5 rungs with the 24kg and once did three ladders of 3 rungs with the 32kg. Friday morning I barely did 3 ladders of three rungs with the 24kg. Over all I think it is a better trade, but I will have to press for more endurance for the RKC graduation workout.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lucky I don't have to Chew Gum at the Same Time

My plan was to do with the 24kg (8L, 8R) (24L, 24R) (16L, 16R).
But I messed it up from the start.
I did (10L, 10R), then (23L, 24R) (went to the neighbor yard to pick some plums)

Not quite what I planned, but my grip was fried.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Logrithmic Ladder

I did logarithmic, or "I'm too tired" Ladders today with the 16kg.
40L, 40R;
20L, 20R;
10L, 10R;
5L, 5R;