Thursday, May 29, 2008

24 kg PR and RKC Goal + buffer!

After Joint Mobility, Around the Worl, Halos,
10 2hand swings
8L, 8R

RKC Snatch Test: 8L (lock) 8L (lock) 8L (lock) 2L 8R (lock) 8R (lock) 8R (lock) 2R
52 total!

That is the number for the next weight division allowing me to gain 15 pounds of body weight.

Actually I would still like to make the next weight division down, but now it is only for health
reasons, not to get easier snatch numbers.


Unknown said...

Good job. Now do it with the RKC snatch test rules - 1 and only 1 switch... You're VERY close!

The Endos & Morenos said...

Hi Doc,

That was with RKC snatch test rules.

The pauses were with the bell locked out overhead.

Only one switch.

Unknown said...

BRILLIANT WORK!!! I look forward to congratulating you on Sunday!

The Endos & Morenos said...

Thanks Doc!

I was just following your instructions!