Friday, October 17, 2008

50 Sets Heavy MVO2

A couple weeks ago, I mixed the (old) RKC Snatch Test Rules (one hand switch, no putting down the bell) with the SSST goals. Well there is a New RKC Snatch Test that goes into effect starting February 2009. It fits in well with the SSST. It essentially is the SSST for 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes.

Each week, I've been doing one high speed 16kg MVO2 session, and one medium speed 24 kg session.  I found out about the test change out after this morning's "heavy" MVO2. The 24 kg 15:15 should be good conditioning for the new test rules
Today I hit a PR w/ 50 set of 5 reps 15:15 with the 24 kg.


Nikki Shlosser said...

Great job!

The Endos & Morenos said...

Thanks Nikki,

BTW I hit 50 in the 9 reps today!
(See today's post)