Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

+1 Silicon sleeve worked well protecting the finger. Just cut the end off and it was easy to keep in place.

+1 The non-standard 20:20 protocol increased VO2 requirements and gave finer granularity to snatches per minute.

-1 Tore blister on hand. (three in a row -- literally in a a single line. palm, finger, base of the middle finger) Each blister was on a different VO2Max day.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Last Night was CK-FMS screening night for the KBLA crew. This was run very nicely by Dr. Cheng, Kirsten Farrell, and a couple of her students.

No surprise that Nikki was most functional with a score of 19. I was next with 17. I had two asymmetries. The biggest asymmetry was the fists behind the back (a 1 Left on top, and 2 right on top). I had two different compensations for the hurdle step.

(I got that crazy one side leg-hand lift down now so my score could be 19 also. But I'm sure Nikki will have it down by now so her score is probably 21 now). My behind the back arm reach has always been asymmetric. In high school I could grasp fingers on side and wrists the other.

We'll get the corrective exercises later.

BTW, I cleaned the Bulldog last night, but I'm not up to strict pressing it yet. Cleaning a single Bulldog is much easier than cleaning two 32 kg -- but that is no big surprise.

Heavy Day
This morning my 8 yrs old daughter wanted to practice with me. I had her do wall squats, namaste squats (goblet squats without the goblet), and deadlifts (10 pound). She has a tendency to round her L-spine and her T-spine, tho usually at different times.

Later my 5 yr old daughter wanted to try and she did all squats and deadlifts with a straight spine.

Double 32 kg Farmers walk.
2 sets 10 reps 32 kg 2 handed swings -concentrating on loading hips and engaging lats.
6 sets 5 rep double 32 kg swing
3 double 32 kg cleans.
10 meter walks 32 kg overhead Left
10 meter walks 32 kg overhead Right

GTG presses at work.
24 kg standing, sots and seated.
Trying to double the number of sets on my weaker left side.

I think I really like the seated press, just roll my chair over to my bell and not worry about taking my shoes off, press, then glide my chair back.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Always the Last Set

It's always on the last set, or on the "last run down the hill".

Doing the VO2Max 16kg 15:15 of 46 sets of 8 Reps on my last set I tore a callus on the inside knuckle of my left middle finger. Argh! Anyways, tomorrow is a scheduled day off with CK-FMS screen at night.

I checked my pulse after the last set and it was 148. That seems a little low, but maybe my recovery is fast ?

Monday, August 25, 2008

RKC II, Pullups & WTH Effect

There has been a lot of discussion about the new RKC 2 requirements.
The most common concern is strict military pressing (MP) the kettlebell closest to 1/2 body weight. As long as I keep under 150 Lbs that should be no problem. I haven't tested the 36 kg bell so I don't know if I can press it or not.

My worry was a pull up with the 24 kg kettlebell hanging from my foot. Last time I tested was with a 16 kg hanging from Nikki's weight belt. I didn't even budge. This Sunday I tried with the 16kg hanging from my foot and I was able to do it! What The Heck (WTH)! I still have 8kg more to go but I am a lot closer than I thought!

The vast majority of my training between those two pullup test has been months of RKC snatch test prep, and now 2 weeks of (heavy day->VO2Max Day->rest day). I have not worked on pull ups!

Friday, August 22, 2008

VO2Max[4]: VHIT

I like The Dane of Pain's VO2Max protcol, but time is a huge factor in my schedule.
So before reaching the optimal number of sets, I bumped up my rep count to 8.
8 Reps in 15 sec is fast. I don't see how some of you guys are doing 10 per 15 secs!
...especially you taller gireviks! That bell must be flying!

The few bumps on my handle weren't an issue at 7 reps, but at 8 I got a blister were I haven't even had tenderness before. Time to break out the Dremmel.

16 kg, 40 sets of 8 reps = 320 reps

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just getting the Bells from the bedroom to the front lawn is a warm up.
  • double 32kg Deadlift
  • double 32 kg Farmers Walk (12 ft)
  • double 32 kg Bent Row
  • double 32 kg Deadlift
  • double 32 kg Farmers Walk (50 ft)
  • double 32 kg Deadlift
  • double 32 kg Farmers Walk (40 ft)
10 32kg 2Handed Swings

I go You* go
6 x 10 double 32kg Swings

10 32kg 2Handed Swings

Reverse the Warm up to put the bells back.

BTW I'm back down to 145 Lbs.

*Ok there was no "you" I just counted to ten at the cadence of my swings while I walked the yard.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Session 3 of my VO2 Max Training
16 kg, 52 Sets (26L, 26R) 7 Reps 15:15 = 364 snatches. My weight bumped up a couple pounds this week, I'm back up to 147. Hopefully it is added muscle from my heavy days.

Hip bob
I noticed on my last few sets if I raise and lower my hips after the hike back, to start the swing forward, I got a nice plyometric like boost. With better timing I could probably attack the back swing with my hips already coming down, but I would want to practice that fresh and not after my 300th snatch, and with the pressure of getting my required snatches in every 15 seconds.

Current Training Schedule
Sunday: KBLA variety day
Monday: Heavy ballistics, GTG Presses
Tuesday: VO2MAX
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Heavy ballistics, GTG Presses
Saturday: Rest

Monday, August 18, 2008


I had a feeling I wasn't hiking the bells back enough on my previous double 32 kg clean attempts, so today I did 2 swings, then a clean. It worked! Not the most solid racking, but it was the first time I cleaned 5 pounds short of my body weight. Previous max was 2/3 body weight. Actually the first clean, I did 2 prep swings, the second clean I did 1 prep swing, on the third I just cleaned it.

Double 32 kgs (64kg)
  • Deadlift
  • Farmers walk
  • 10 Swings
  • 3 Sets 1 rep, Cleans*
  • Bear Crawls ~10 meters

*On the third double clean, I double push pressed the bells overhead. Just a small bend at the knees, then pop about 80% up. I had to "tension" up to get to the lock out position.

Finished it off the double work with 10 meters of bear crawls with the 32 kg's.

Single 32kg

  • Swings 5L, Five R

I should have gotten a bulldog.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summers' Sweet Sunday Summer Sweat

Anton Summers led the main practice today.
I started the day with the 32 kg for ballistics and 24 kg for most grinds.
Descending Ladder 10R, 10L ... 1R, 1L (110 swings).
We also did squats, Standard Presses
and We worked the Viking Press

We ended with about 35 meters of walking swings.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Last night I went to an MMA class. I haven't consistently grappled for about 14 years. I did about a month of Judo two years ago, but family issues derailed my training and I never got back on track.

We started with Heavy Bag work. I think it was about 10 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute breaks. That's what it felt like, but I could easily be wrong, I did OK there. I wasn't gassed, still had decent stopping power and moved OK. My Thai kick sucked though--I used to have good ones.

Then we did ground work. The technical portion went fine. Even though my training partner out weighed me by over 20 Lbs, RKC style KB training kept my back strong.

When we started to roll, I was gassing quick. I always hated ground work, even when I wrestled. I am a thrower. Plus one guy out weighed me by about 100 pounds. That was not fun. Just breathing was a workout when we rotated and he was on top.

I don't know if I sweated more rolling, or at the UCLA RKC. At UCLA the sun baked off most of the sweat. I do know that my clothes were saturated after rolling.

Afterwards, I wasn't really sore as much as tight. But I wasn't sure if I would be able to do VO2Max the next morning.

Friday Morning
I feel OK, but not fresh. It doesn't help that my dog Coco was agitated all night from the thunder storm. I had planned to do 50 sets, but that was before I went to MMA workout last night. After warming up, I found a good place to put the GymBoss and started my set. My plan was 40 sets since I had a good workout last night. It is interesting how my focus shifts from one set to the next on different issues: tight left shoulder, good hip snap, I need to file the handle, throw the bell through your stomach, great hip snap.

When I get to 40 set, I decide to do just 10 more for an even 50. Form doesn't break down but I am sweating up a storm.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Enter the PoodDuos

With all due respect to the men of strength that named the 32kg the chihuahua, it is a Pood Duo!

5 minutes Turkish Get Ups (32 kg)
Farmer's Walk with dual Pood Duos (64kg).
5 Deadlift (64kg)
5 Swings-knee high (64kg)-- Boy did I feel it in the hips!
5 Presses L,R (32kg) - On the Left I had to help with right, but did slow negatives.
10 Swings-waist high (64kg)
Farmer's Walk with dual Pood Duos (64kg).

I tried double cleans with the 32kg's but couldn't quite make it. (Give me a few weeks)

GTG Military Presses all day with the 24kg

Tomorrow: VO2Max! 50 sets?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Starting VO2Max

Working off the protocol Kenneth Jay gave us at the UCLA RKC, I am started with 41* sets of 7 reps per 15:15 with the 16 kg bell. (288 snatches). This was much easier than when we did it at UCLA. Of course, this wasn't the the third workout of the day, nor was the sun burning down on me. Depending on how I feel Thursday, next week I may bump up to 50 sets.

This is a great VO2Max protocol, but I do see the value in low rep high quality snatch practice. Like I blogged earlier, I get a lot out of the snatch, overhead squat, snatch practice.

*I meant to do 40 sets but I am still getting used to the Gym Boss*

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where to go from here

So I'm a new RKC. I know from the RKC training practicum I can help people with their kettlebells. I also know that I have a lot to learn as a trainer. There is the issues of liability insurance, also I am restricted on time.

Next week I plan to start VO2Max twice a week, and work on ROP until I can double Military Press the 32 kg's. We'll see how that goes.

16kg: around the world, halos
Left 10x(snatch+overhead squat) swing switch
Right 10x(snatch+overhead squat)

Right: 5 x(Clean & Press->overhead squat)
Left: 5 x (Clean & push Press->Overhead squat)

32kg swings:
10 x 2h handed
2 x(5 R, 5L)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Easing into Post RKC Workouts

Yesterday, I did about five minutes of Getups first with my new 20kg, then with the 24kg.

Today, I did:
16 kg Left hand: (Snatch-hold, overhead squat, 3 snatches) x 3
swing switch Repeat

I really like how this opens up my shoulders and hips. My hips load big time after the squat and trampoline the bell back up for the next snatches.

I do it next with the 24 kg
24kg Left hand: (Snatch-hold, overhead squat, 2 snatches) x 3
swing switch Repeat

My hips don't load so well with the 24kg. I think I am leaking some energy on the down swing. My hands are still recovering from the RKC and the 24kg put a bit too much stress on it this morning.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

UCLA RKC Certification


08:00 A lot of nervous energy, not knowing what to expect. The closest feeling is I've had is to freestyle wrestling tournaments I used to attend. I'm in Team Cheng's! I weigh in at 145 Lbs. 09:30 ish the Snatch Test: Goes like a typical morning workout. 26 Left, 22 Right. I probably could have hit 4 to 6 more but I wanted to save my hands. General remembrances: It was hot! The bells are raspy rough! Joe C's hands have longs strips of skin shredded off. I only had one shot of espresso this morning, and make it through the day with no more caffeine. It seems that strenuous exercise can replace caffeine -- up to a point. I am so amped up that the rest of the weekend, even the single shot of espresso in the morning feel like too much.

Enter The Dragon

After the training I didn't have time to go home and back before the dinner. So I shower at the UCLA Gym. I feel almost human. As I enter the room where the dinner and movie are to take place, Dan John stops me. He introduces himself and checks up on me. He was worried for me on the field. Apparently I looked pretty exhausted because more than one person comment on it. The salmon and the beef were quite good. I left in the middle of the movie to get sleep, even though I would have won a poster as a door prize if I stayed.


I Didn't Know Squat

Or at least a couple of the squats and dead lifts. I particularly like the simplified squat progression, and the bootstrap deadlift.


This is one rocking protocol. It is tough. It looks very promising. The goal is 80 sets. 30 sets were hard enough. Of course we did the calibration testing and two other workouts just before the actual workout.


Technical Exams.

During practice my right forearm is so tight I can barely hold a 24kg or swing a 20 kg. I lose the 20 kg a couple times during practice. I ask Doc work on it, and in a minute or two I am able to snatch the 24 kg again. I take my gloves off for the technique evaluations. I am literally risking my skin but this is the finals.

Guest Trainees (aka Victims)

My victims had previous experience. One gentleman had done a workshop with Mike Mahler and used a couple of his DVDs. The other (a lady) had trained at her gym. Their swings weren't too bad and I was able to help them get a little better. However, their Turkish Get Ups needed a lot of work and became quite good. The both were happy with what they learned that day.

RKC Grad Workout

The Dane of Pain Reigns (mainly on the plains?)! 20 seconds of walking seesaw presses, 10 seconds active recovery 20 seconds of swings, 10 seconds active recovery Until EVERY RKC candidate crosses 100 yds Oh merciful DoP lowers the weight by 4kg! Joe doesn't hear this change and does the Grad workout with the original 24 kg weight!


Dr. Cheng officially passes me. I am an RKC. Later Pavel himself tells me that I was well trained for the RKC. KBLA has eleven new RKC's!
  • Hugo Alvarado, RKC
  • Marc Bobys, RKC
  • Rich Endo, RKC
  • Kirsten Farrell, RKC
  • Kingston Heng, RKC
  • Robert Jay, RKC
  • Jose Nartea, Jr., RKC
  • David O'Donnell, RKC
  • Celina Reed, RKC
  • Nikki Shlosser, RKC
  • John Spezzano, RKC
