Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Starting VO2Max

Working off the protocol Kenneth Jay gave us at the UCLA RKC, I am started with 41* sets of 7 reps per 15:15 with the 16 kg bell. (288 snatches). This was much easier than when we did it at UCLA. Of course, this wasn't the the third workout of the day, nor was the sun burning down on me. Depending on how I feel Thursday, next week I may bump up to 50 sets.

This is a great VO2Max protocol, but I do see the value in low rep high quality snatch practice. Like I blogged earlier, I get a lot out of the snatch, overhead squat, snatch practice.

*I meant to do 40 sets but I am still getting used to the Gym Boss*


Nikki Shlosser said...

Cool photo, Rich.

The Endos & Morenos said...

Thanks Nikki,

I don't have the luxury using the model you used ;) So I used the bell that made you a legend! That's the 32kg you used on your TGU video.

BTW, I just changed the Text in the Header. I hope it's not "too serious". Bruce Lee said that training should be "like serious play, or playful seriousness".

I started the blog, just to track my progress and keep myself honest. But now it is getting more visibility so it less of a private journal.

Nikki Shlosser said...

I KNEW that bell looked familiar!
I like it even more now. Haha.

The new blog title is nice, actually. How/where did you come up with it?

Good idea re: the blog shift. It's a delicate balance, isn't it... keeping a blog relevant and interesting but also not divulging too much personal info. I think Rif manages the balance expertly.

The Endos & Morenos said...

I had different tag lines:
"Simple not easy", "Simple Strength".

I've always liked "Simple Elegance" which is actually very hard to pull off. Simple Elegance is what I was attempting in the Zen Girya Garden photo. Then just reflecting on the UCLA RKC "Brutal" popped into my head...

"Simple Brutal Elegance"

Nikki Shlosser said...


I love the zen garden component. It's a lovely contrast/complement to the burly 32kg, if that makes any sense. Well, perhaps only to some. ;)
