Friday, August 15, 2008


Last night I went to an MMA class. I haven't consistently grappled for about 14 years. I did about a month of Judo two years ago, but family issues derailed my training and I never got back on track.

We started with Heavy Bag work. I think it was about 10 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute breaks. That's what it felt like, but I could easily be wrong, I did OK there. I wasn't gassed, still had decent stopping power and moved OK. My Thai kick sucked though--I used to have good ones.

Then we did ground work. The technical portion went fine. Even though my training partner out weighed me by over 20 Lbs, RKC style KB training kept my back strong.

When we started to roll, I was gassing quick. I always hated ground work, even when I wrestled. I am a thrower. Plus one guy out weighed me by about 100 pounds. That was not fun. Just breathing was a workout when we rotated and he was on top.

I don't know if I sweated more rolling, or at the UCLA RKC. At UCLA the sun baked off most of the sweat. I do know that my clothes were saturated after rolling.

Afterwards, I wasn't really sore as much as tight. But I wasn't sure if I would be able to do VO2Max the next morning.

Friday Morning
I feel OK, but not fresh. It doesn't help that my dog Coco was agitated all night from the thunder storm. I had planned to do 50 sets, but that was before I went to MMA workout last night. After warming up, I found a good place to put the GymBoss and started my set. My plan was 40 sets since I had a good workout last night. It is interesting how my focus shifts from one set to the next on different issues: tight left shoulder, good hip snap, I need to file the handle, throw the bell through your stomach, great hip snap.

When I get to 40 set, I decide to do just 10 more for an even 50. Form doesn't break down but I am sweating up a storm.


waterboy1 said...

Hi Rich,

Thank you for helping us (we were the problem children) at the Sunday morning workout in the park..

Today was our second workout with Antone and the gang and I love it (so do the others)!! Thanks for making us feel welcome.

I hope we can continue to learn from the group and share your pains!

Much respect to all of you for your wisdom and giving us "victims" the love that we need..

Hope we can make it next week.. If not, I will definitely be coming back..

Thanks again,

One of the bald asian guys at the park, lol..

The Endos & Morenos said...

Hi WB,

You are most certainly welcome.

It's great having you guys at the Park. I hope you all keep coming.

And thank you for dropping by my blog.