Thursday, August 28, 2008


Last Night was CK-FMS screening night for the KBLA crew. This was run very nicely by Dr. Cheng, Kirsten Farrell, and a couple of her students.

No surprise that Nikki was most functional with a score of 19. I was next with 17. I had two asymmetries. The biggest asymmetry was the fists behind the back (a 1 Left on top, and 2 right on top). I had two different compensations for the hurdle step.

(I got that crazy one side leg-hand lift down now so my score could be 19 also. But I'm sure Nikki will have it down by now so her score is probably 21 now). My behind the back arm reach has always been asymmetric. In high school I could grasp fingers on side and wrists the other.

We'll get the corrective exercises later.

BTW, I cleaned the Bulldog last night, but I'm not up to strict pressing it yet. Cleaning a single Bulldog is much easier than cleaning two 32 kg -- but that is no big surprise.

Heavy Day
This morning my 8 yrs old daughter wanted to practice with me. I had her do wall squats, namaste squats (goblet squats without the goblet), and deadlifts (10 pound). She has a tendency to round her L-spine and her T-spine, tho usually at different times.

Later my 5 yr old daughter wanted to try and she did all squats and deadlifts with a straight spine.

Double 32 kg Farmers walk.
2 sets 10 reps 32 kg 2 handed swings -concentrating on loading hips and engaging lats.
6 sets 5 rep double 32 kg swing
3 double 32 kg cleans.
10 meter walks 32 kg overhead Left
10 meter walks 32 kg overhead Right

GTG presses at work.
24 kg standing, sots and seated.
Trying to double the number of sets on my weaker left side.

I think I really like the seated press, just roll my chair over to my bell and not worry about taking my shoes off, press, then glide my chair back.


Nikki Shlosser said...

Oh my gosh, we were talking about this at Tai Chi the other day, about how movement comes so naturally to children. Make sure your 5-yo keeps grooving those movement patterns, that is really cool!

The Endos & Morenos said...

You saw my daughters on RKC Grad day squealing "Daddy"! Emily (the 5 yr old) is a natural athlete. She can hang in the bent arm pull up position for 58 seconds!
She has a habit of dropping into the splits.

An on the day she was born I was holding her on my lap. Emily pushed herself into a standing position leaning against my stomach!

The funny thing is she is a girlie-girl that loves twirly dresses, makeup and pink. My older daughter is the tomboy who's favorite color is black.