Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Session 3 of my VO2 Max Training
16 kg, 52 Sets (26L, 26R) 7 Reps 15:15 = 364 snatches. My weight bumped up a couple pounds this week, I'm back up to 147. Hopefully it is added muscle from my heavy days.

Hip bob
I noticed on my last few sets if I raise and lower my hips after the hike back, to start the swing forward, I got a nice plyometric like boost. With better timing I could probably attack the back swing with my hips already coming down, but I would want to practice that fresh and not after my 300th snatch, and with the pressure of getting my required snatches in every 15 seconds.

Current Training Schedule
Sunday: KBLA variety day
Monday: Heavy ballistics, GTG Presses
Tuesday: VO2MAX
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Heavy ballistics, GTG Presses
Saturday: Rest

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