Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

+1 Silicon sleeve worked well protecting the finger. Just cut the end off and it was easy to keep in place.

+1 The non-standard 20:20 protocol increased VO2 requirements and gave finer granularity to snatches per minute.

-1 Tore blister on hand. (three in a row -- literally in a a single line. palm, finger, base of the middle finger) Each blister was on a different VO2Max day.


Franz Snideman said...

Hey Rich! Hope you are well!

I have a tech question for you. How did you get the photo of the KB on the top of your blog?

Which setting did you have to go into to do that? I have tried to do something like that and gosh darnit....I can't seem to get any where!

Any help would be awesome!


The Endos & Morenos said...

Hi Franz,


Let me know if you cant see the document.


Franz Snideman said...

thanks Rich