Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gross Snatches

My form was actually OK until the end. By gross I mean a dozen dozen or 144 snatches. 
24 kg, 24 Sets, 6 Reps, 15:15 protocol.
Average Heart Rate 164, Peak HR 184.

Man that was hard. I was shooting for 40 sets. I'll build up to it!
It's been a while since it wasn't my hands that were the first thing to go.
It took longer than usual to get my heart rate down.


Nikki Shlosser said...

Great work! It messes with your mind a bit, huh... realizing that it's going to be that hard every time. I sort of look forward to the next :15/:15 workout... but also dread knowing I have to do at least 50 sets. (Can't I just enjoy yesterday's for a while longer??) ;)
It's freaking hard!! Good to know we're struggling together. ;)

The Endos & Morenos said...

Hi Nikki,

Yeah I didn't know which girevik I was going to emulate.

Rif: 80 Sets of 15:15
or yours going heavy.

I decided going heavy, because I noticed I wasn't doing enough standard weight snatches, and the 24kg felt heavier than it should when I used it.

The heavy is definitely more time efficient. My body was shouting "What are you doing to me!".

My mind kept saying "Shhh! Quiet, just a couple more sets!"

I stopped when I could tell my form was braking down.