Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sometimes Less Leads to More

Yesterday was a pretty unremarkable Heavy Day.
Single 32 kg swings.
Double 32 kg swings.
Double 32 kg cleans and jerk.
Double 32 kg cleans and push press.
Double 32 kg overhead walks (30 feet, turn 15 feet... had to drop 'em)

Less is More MVO2
Today I decides to cut back to 5 reps on the 24kg 15:15 MVO2 protocol. I never spent to time to officially calibrate, since it is easy enought to tweak the reps numbers.

The 24 kg at 5 reps per 15 is still more work than 16 kg at 7 reps per 15.

I warmed upped with the 16 kg. 
Around the world, Halos, 5 snatches Right, 5 Left.

This worked, I was able to get to 40 sets of 5 reps. The bell kept pinching my left hand (but not the right). This "slower" pace allowed me to focus more on technique.

The cardio load seems about the same as the 11 reps per set 20:20 protocol.
My heart rate averaged 169 bpm, and maxed at 185 bpm.

I finally feel like I'm actually doing MVO2 with the 24 kg. It will be nice to build off the base of 40 sets.


Nikki Shlosser said...

How are you measuring HR, do you have a device that you recommend, or just calculating a :15 rate manually?

The Endos & Morenos said...

Hi Nikki,

At first I tried counting during the 15 sec rest, but 180 bpm is 3 beats per second! For me, it is hard to count accurately a when the rate is greater than 120 bpm. 120 bpm is barely warmed up in snatch MVO2.

A couple years ago I got a Polar Heart Rate monitor as a birthday gift from my sister Linda. It is very easy to use.

Sheryl, gave me a Nike heart Rate monitor that same year, but I cant find it. I think the Nike also had the same features as the GymBoss (e.g.interval timings). "Tufur"!

I never actually used the Nike one, but on paper it looks like a good idea.